
Raise Hope & Foster Dreams
In Michigan, around 10,000 children are in foster care, with nearly 250 still awaiting adoption into loving families. Your assistance is vital in offering a secure and nurturing environment for these children until they can reunite with their families. In cases where returning home isn't possible, foster parents play a crucial role in providing permanent homes for these children in need. Your support can make a significant difference in their lives.
Become a Foster Parent
As an officially licensed Michigan Foster Care Program, Christ Child House Detroit can facilitate your journey to becoming a foster parent. By opening your home, you offer children and youth a secure and affectionate temporary residence, enabling them to remain in their familiar school, engage in regular activities, and maintain connections with their parents and siblings. Your decision to foster can profoundly impact the lives of these children in need.
Purpose of Foster Care
Our Foster Care Program aims to establish a family-oriented setting within an agency-approved household for youth who cannot, temporarily or permanently, return to their families. We firmly believe that every child deserves emotional support, comprehension, educational support, and essential care within a stable, wholesome family environment. Through our program, Foster Parents and/or Relatives pledge to extend their lives and homes, contributing to the creation of a nurturing environment focused on fostering the child's growth and development. Our foremost objective is family reunification.
Christ Child House Detroit is licensed and contracted by the Michigan Department of Health & Human Services (MDHHS).
The role of a foster parent includes:
Safeguarding and nurturing children
Addressing the physical, emotional, and developmental requirements of a child
Fostering relationships between children and their families
Establishing connections between children and secure, nurturing relationships meant to endure a lifetime
Collaborating effectively as part of a professional team.
What are the qualifications of a foster parent?
Being 21 years of age or older
Demonstrating a satisfactory income
Having adequate space in your home for foster children
Being eligible whether married or single
Possessing a residence, whether owned or rented, such as a home, apartment, or condo.
What services does Christ Child House provide?
Assessment and pre-placement visitation
Treatment programs catering to youth and their families
Supervised Parenting Time
Referral services for psychiatric and psychological support
Facilitation of Family Team Meetings (FTM), Team Decision Meetings (TDM), and treatment planning
Court-related responsibilities
Regular communication with foster and relative families and youth through home visits and telephone contact
Assistance with educational planning
Comprehensive Case Management services.
Here is How to become a Foster Parent Through Christ Child Detroit:​
STEP 1: Attend a Foster Parent Orientation provided by Christ Child Detroit. This session will cover all the guidelines and expectations for foster parents and outline the process.
STEP 2: Complete the application process. Following orientation, Christ Child Detroit will furnish you with a licensing application packet. This typically involves fingerprinting with your licensing worker, submitting a foster home licensing application, providing medical records for your entire family, and completing any other necessary paperwork with your licensing worker.
STEP 3: Participate in Free Training. This training equips you with essential information to prepare you for foster parenting. The training curriculum encompasses 20-25 hours of content, meeting the pre-licensure training requirement.
STEP 4: Undergo Home Evaluation. Prior to welcoming a foster child into your home, you'll undergo an on-site evaluation conducted by the licensing worker from Christ Child Detroit. This involves several home visits and interviews with you and your family.
STEP 5: Begin your journey as a Foster Parent and make a difference in a child's life! We'll connect you with a Licensing Worker to initiate the process. Our primary focus is to work towards reunification with the child's family whenever possible. For children without permanent family connections, we'll work towards permanency with a "forever family."